
Google Scholar Bibliography

Croatian Scientific Bibliography

Recent publications

Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2024) Religious Freedom. Thinking Sociologically. London and New York: Routledge.
Zrinščak, S. (2024) Guest editorial: social work in times of transformations: a perspective from Central and Eastern Europe. European Journal of Social Work, 27(1): 1-4.
Coutinho, J. P., Conway, B., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Editorial. Special issue – Highly religious young Catholics. Sociology Compass, 17(7): 1-4.
Dobrotić, I., Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Ambivalent Europeanization: Work, Family and Nation in Restructuring of Social Welfare in Croatia. In: S. C. Sanchez, P. A. R. Rodriguez (eds.) La sonrisa de Europa: El Estado del bienestar en el proceso de integración europea. Madrid: Marcial Pons, pp. 99-131. (In Spanish)
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Secularization, individualization or polarization? Religious changes in European Catholic Countries. In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 37-75. (In Croatian)
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Democracies and its controversies: authoritarianism, liberal attitudes and essential features of democracy. In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 209-256. (In Croatian)
Čehulić. M, Zrinščak, S. (2023) Immigrants as a threat. Social distance and threat perception in the old and new EU democracies In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 315-349. (In Croatian)

Detailed list


Grubišić, K., Marčetić, G., Zrinščak, S., Manojlović Toman, R. (2022.). Ethics and Public Administration. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu. (In Croatian language)
Zrinščak, S., Kregar, J., Sekulić, D., Ravlić, S., Grubišić, K., Čepo, D., Petričušić, A., Čehulić, M. (2020) General Sociology with the Introduction to Sociology of Law. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu. (In Croatian) – new edition 2021.
Kregar, J., Sekulić, D., Ravlić, S., Zrinščak, S., Grubišić, K., Petričušić, A. (2014) Introduction to Sociology. Zagreb. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (In Croatian)
Kregar, J., Sekulić, D., Ravlić, S., Grubišić, K., Zrinščak, S. (2013) Introduction to Sociology. Zagreb. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (revised version) (In Croatian)
Puljiz, V., Bežovan, G., Matković, T., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2008) Social Policy in Croatia. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet. (In Croatian)
Bežovan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Civil Society in Croatia. Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski I Turk, Hrvatsko sociološko društvo. (In Croatian)
Puljiz, V., Bežovan, G., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2005) Social Policy. History, Systems, Glossary. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet. (In Croatian)
Puljiz, V., Bežovan, G., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2000) Social Policy Systems. Zagreb: RSP. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Sociology of Religion. Croatian Experience. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet. (In Croatian)

 Book editor

Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2024) Religious Freedom. Thinking Sociologically. London and New York. Routledge.
Baloban, J., Migles, S., Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2023) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost. (In Croatian)
Addabbo, T., Carney, P., Ní Léime, Á., Spijker, J., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2022.). Well-Being and Extended Working Life. A Gender Perspective. London and New York: Routledge.
Gardašević, Đ., Gotovac, V., Zrinščak, S. (ur.) (2022.) Law and Society. Liber amicorum Josip Kregar. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu. (In Croatian)
Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2020) Global Eastern Orthodoxy. Politics, Religion, and Human Rights. Cham: Springer.
Zrinščak, S., Lawrence, S. (2016) Active Ageing and Demographic Change. Challenges for Social work and Social Policy. London and New York: Routledge.
Baloban, J., Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2014) Values in Croatia and Europe: Comparative Analysis. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost, KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (ed.) (2006) Welfare State in 21st Century – Illusion or Reality? Zagreb: Pravni fakultet. (In Croatian)
Marinović Jerolimov, D., Zrinščak, S., Borowik, I. (eds.) (2004) Religion and Patterns of Social Transformation. Zagreb: IDIZ.
Grubišić, I., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (1999) Religion and Integration. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (ed.) (1998) Globalization and Welfare State. Zagreb: RSP. (In Croatian)

Chapters in books published by international publishers

Dobrotić, I., Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Ambivalent Europeanization: Work, Family and Nation in Restructuring of Social Welfare in Croatia. In: S. C. Sanchez, P. A. R. Rodriguez (eds.) La sonrisa de Europa: El Estado del bienestar en el proceso de integración europea. Madrid: Marcial Pons, pp. 99-131. (In Spanish)
Addabbo, T., Carney, T., Ní Léime, Á., Spijker, J., Zrinščak, S. (2022.). Introduction to Well-Being and Extended Working Life: A Gender Perspective. In: T. Addabbo, P. Carney, Á. Ní Léime, J. Spijker, S. Zrinščak (eds.) (2022.). Well-Being and Extended Working Life. A Gender Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-13.
Dobrotić, I., Zrinščak, S. (2022.). (Active) Ageing, Gender and Social Policy Reforms: The Case of Pension and Eldercare Reforms in Croatia. In: T. Addabbo, P. Carney, Á. Ní Léime, J. Spijker, S. Zrinščak (eds.) (2022.). Well-Being and Extended Working Life. A Gender Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 194-209.
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2022.) The rescaling of social policies in the post-Yugoslav space: welfare parallelism and local state capture. In: Y. Kazepov. E. Barberis, R. Cucca. E. Mocca (eds.) Handbook on Urban Social Policies. Cheltenham, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 337-351.
Staničić, F., Zrinščak, S. (2020) Croatia: Religion in Prison – Equal Access in a Predominantly Catholic Society. In: Martínez Ariňo, J., Zwilling, A.-L. (eds.) Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe. Cham: Springer, pp. 63-78.
Zrinščak, S., Vehovec, M., Čengić, D. (2020) Croatia. In: A. Ní Léime, J. Ogg, M. Rasticova, D. Street, C, Krekula, M. Bédiová, I. Madero-Cabib, (eds.) Extended Working Life Policies International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer, pp. 195-204. Zrinščak, Vehovec, Čengić 2020_Chapter_Croatia
Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2020) Introduction. Global Eastern Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics and Human Rights. In: G. Giordan, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Global Eastern Orthodoxy. Politics, Religion, and Human Rights. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-9.
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2019) Reforming Welfare Assemblages in Semi-Peripheral Spaces: Understanding ‘Drivers of Inertia’ in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. In: S. An, T. Chubarova, B. Deacon, P. Stubbs (eds.) Social Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Agency and Institutions in Flux. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, pp. 285-305.
Giordan, G., Michilli, A., Zrinščak, S. (2019) Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding: A Case Study on Bosnia-Herzegovina Post-Conflict Educational System. In: G. Giordan, A. P. Lynch (eds.) Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion. Volume 10: Interreligious Dialogue. From Religion to Geopolitics. Leiden / Boston: Brill, pp. 128-145.
Angell, O. H., Laiho, M., Pessi, A. B., Zrinščak, S. (2017) Social cohesion: from research to practice. In: L. Molokotos-Liederman with A. Bäckström, G. Davie (eds.) Religion and welfare in Europe. Gendered and minority perspectives. Bristol, Chicago, IL: Policy Press, pp. 53-73.
Zrinščak, S. (2017) Religion, welfare and gender: the post-communist experience. In: L. Molokotos-Liederman with A. Bäckström, G. Davie (eds.) Religion and welfare in Europe. Gendered and minority perspectives. Bristol, Chicago, IL: Policy Press, pp. 135-160.
Zrinščak, S. (2017.) Croatia. The Role of Religion in a Predominantly Catholic Country. In: J. Nelis, C. Sagesser & J.-P. Schreiber (eds.) Religion and Secularism in the European Union. State of Affairs and Current Debates. Bruxelles – Bern – Berlin – Frankfurt am Main – New York – Oxford – Wien: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 33-38.
Cnaan, R., Zrinščak, S., Grönlund, H., Smith, D., Hu, M., Kinoti, M., Knorre, B., Kumar, P., Pessi, A. (2016) Volunteering in Religious Congregations and Faith-Based Associations. In: D. H. Smith, R. A. Stebbins, J. Gortz (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 472-494.
Zrinščak, S. (2015) Society under Siege: The Peculiar Story of the Development of the Sociology of Religion in Croatia. In: A. J. Blassi, G. Giordan (eds.) Sociologies of Religion. National Traditions. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 322-352.  Zrinščak chapter in Blasi & Giordan Sociologies of Religion… 2015
Zrinščak, S. (2014) Re-Thinking Religious Diversity: Diversities and Governance of Diversity in “Post-Societies”. In: G. Giordan, E. Pace (eds.) Religious Pluralism. Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World. Springer, pp. 115-131. Zrinscak chapter in Giordan, Pace (eds) Religious pluralism_2014
Zrinščak, S., Nikodem, K. (2014) Varför behöver vi religion överhuvudtaget? Religion och moral i det post-komunistiska Europa. In: P. Pettersson, M. Axner, A. Leis-Peters, M. Middlemiss Lé Mon, A. Sjöborg (Red) Religiös och social förändring i det glokala samhället. Samtida religionsociologiska persepktiv. Uppsala Universitet, pp 105-122. Translation to Swedish of the paper originally published in English: Zrinščak, Nikodem, 2009
Zrinščak, S., Marinović-Jerolimov, D., Marinović, A. Ančić, B. (2014) Church and State in Croatia: Legal Framework, Religious Instruction, and Social Expectations. In: S. Ramet (ed.) Religion and Politics in Post-Socialist Central and Southeastern Europe. Challenges since 1989. Palgrave, pp. 131-154.  Zrinscak, et all … in Ramet_ Religion and Politics … 2014
Zrinščak, S. (2013) Religion and Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: O. Listhaug and S. P. Ramet (eds.) Bosnia-Herzegovina since Dayton. Civic and uncivic values, pp. 183-204. Ravenna: Angelo Logo Editore. Zrinscak chapter in Bosnia and Herzegovina since Dayton…2013
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2012) Croatia’s Religious Story: The Coexistence of Institutionalized and Individual Religiosity. In: D. Pollack, O. Müller, G. Pickel (eds.) The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe. Ashgate, pp. 207-227.  Nikodem, Zrinscak in Pollack et al. 2012
Zrinščak, S. (2011) Church, State and Society in Post-Communist Europe. In: J. Barbalet, A. Possamai, B. S. Turner (eds.) Religion and the State. A Comparative Sociology. London: Anthem Press, pp. 157-182. pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2011) Local immigrant communities, welfare and culture: an integration/segregation dilemma. In: E. Carmel, A. Cerami and T. Papadopoulos (eds.) Migration and Welfare in the New Europe. Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration. University of Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, pp. 197-212.  pdf
Rimac, I., Zrinščak, S. (2010) Social Legacy and Social Values: A Post-Communist Experience. In: L. Halman and M. Voicu (eds.) Mapping Value Orientations in Central and Eastern Europe. Leiden and Boston: Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 107-137. Rimac-Zrinscak in Halman Voicu chapter 2010
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2009) Rescaling Emergent Social Policies in South East Europe. In: Rummery, K. Greener, I., Holden, C. (eds.) Social Policy Review 21. Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2009. University of Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 283-305.  pdf
Zrinščak, S., Nikodem, K. (2009) Why, at all, do we need Religion? Religion and Morality in Post-Communist Europe. In: G. Pickel, O. Müller (eds.) Church and Religion in Contemporary Europe. Results from Empirical and Comparative Research. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 13-24. pdf
Črpić, G., Riegel, U., Zrinščak, S. (2009) Religion and Values. In: Ziebert, H.-G., Kay, W. K., Riegel, U. (eds.) Youth in Europe III. An International Empirical Study about the Impact of Religion on Life Orientation. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 133.143.  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2008) Sociology of Religion in Croatia 1991-2007. In: Đorđević, D. (ed.) The Sociology of Religion in the Former Yugoslav Republics. Niš: Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, YSSSR Annual- Year XV, pp. 27-42. pdf
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Croatia. In: Deacon, B., Stubbs, P. (eds.) Social Policy and International Interventions in South East Europe.Edward Elgar, pp. 85-102. pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2007) Religion and Values. In: Ramet, S. P., Matić, D. (eds.) Democratic Transition in Croatia. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, pp. 137-159. (Updated version of the Croatian issue from 2006). pdf
Bahovec, I., Potočnik, V., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Religion and Social Capital: the Diversity of European Regions. In: Adam, F. (ed.) Social Capital and Governance. Old and New Members of the EU in Comparison. Lit Verlag, pp. 175-200.  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Anonymus Believers as a Sociological Challenge: Religions and Religious Changes in Post-Yugoslav States. In: Borowik, I. (ed.) Religions, Churches, and Religiosity in Post-Communist Europe. Krakow: Nomos, pp. 68-80. pdf
Črpić, G., Blaženka Mandarić, S. V., Zrinščak, S. (2005) Croatia: Between a Troubled Past and Elusive Future. In: Ziebert, H. G., Kay, W. K. (eds.) Youth in Europe I. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 165-181.
Zrinščak, S. (2004) Religion and Society in Tension in Croatia: Social and Legal Status of Religious Communities. In: Richardson, J. T., (ed.) Regulating Religion. Case Studies from Around the Globe. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, pp. 299-318.
Zrinščak, S. (2001) Religion and Social Justice in Post-Communist Croatia. Borowik I., Tomka, M. (eds.) Religion and Social Change in Post-Communist Europe. Krakow: Nomos, pp. 181-194.
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Church and State in New Social Circumstances. The Croatian Story. In: Borowik, I. (ed.) Church-State Relations in Central and Eastern Europe. Krakow: Nomos, pp. 119-135.

Chapters in books published by Croatian publishers

Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Secularization, individualization or polarization? Religious changes in European Catholic Countries. In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 37-75. (In Croatian)
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Democracies and its controversies: authoritarianism, liberal attitudes and essential features of democracy. In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 209-256. (In Croatian)
Čehulić. M, Zrinščak, S. (2023) Immigrants as a threat. Social distance and threat perception in the old and new EU democracies In: J. Baloban, S. Migles, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak (eds.) Changes in the Value System in Democratic Croatia. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 315-349. (In Croatian)
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2019) Ethno-religiosity: Religiosity, National Identity, and Political Orientations in the Croatian Society. In: J. Šimunović, S. Migles (eds.) I Believed and so I Spoke (2 Kor 3,14). Collection in Honor of Professor Josip Baloban for his 70th Birthday. Zagreb: KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 431-449. (in Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2019) Health Policy. In: G. Bežovan et al. Social Policy in Croatia. Second Edition. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, pp. 159-194 (in Croatian)
Črpić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2014) Religion, Society, Politics: Comparative approach. In: J. Baloban, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2014) Values in Croatia and Europe: Comparative Analysis. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost, KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 13-41 (In Croatian) Črpić, Zrinščak_Religija i politika_EVS_knjiga_2014
Vučković Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I., Zrinščak, S. (2014) Social Distance and Social Context: Minority Groups in Post-Communist and South European Countries. In: J. Baloban, K. Nikodem, S. Zrinščak, S. (eds.) (2014) Values in Croatia and Europe: Comparative Analysis. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost, KBF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 217-257. (In Croatian) Vučković Juroš, Dobrotić, Zrinščak_Socijalna distanca_EVS_knjiga_2014
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2012) Europeanisation and Social Policy: Between rhetoric and reality. In: V. Puljiz, S. Ravlić, V. Visković (eds.) Croatia in the EU: How to Proceed. Zagreb: Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo, pp. 265-294. (In Croatian) pdf
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2012) Clientelism and Social Policy. In: N. Zakošek (ur.) 2. Zagreb Economic Forum 2011. Zagreb: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 5-18. (In Croatian) pdf
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2010) Social protection and Social Inclusion from Lisbon to Europe 2020. In: V. Samardžija and H. Butković (eds.) From Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020. Zagreb: Institute for International Relations, pp. 163-184. pdf
Zrinščak, S., Geiger, M. (2008) Aspects of Family Pluralization- Models of Masculinity and Femininity, Distribution of Work and Gender Socialization. In: Men and Women He Created Them. Women and Men in Living and Service of God´s Mission. Collection of Essays. Split: Franjevački institut za kulturu mira, pp. 113- 134. (In Croatian) pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Social Policy between Globalization and Europeanization. In: Zrinščak, S. (ed.) Welfare State in 21st Century- Illusion or Reality? Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, pp. 1-27. (In Croatian) pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Social Policy in the Context of Thorough Social Transformation of Post-Communist Societies. In: Zrinščak, S. (ed.)Welfare State in 21st Century-Illusion or Reality? Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, pp. 183-217. (Updated version of the paper published in Revija za socijalnu politiku, no. 2/2003) (In Croatian) pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Religion and Values. In: Ramet, P., Matić, D. (eds.) Democratic Transition in Croatia. Value Transformation, Education, Media. Zagreb: Alineja, pp. 125-140. (In Croatian)
Črpić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2005) An Emerging Civil Society. In: Baloban, J. (ed.) In Search of Identity: A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe. Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, pp. 19-44. (In Croatian and English) pdf EN
Črpić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2005) Between Identity and Everyday Life: Religiosity in Croatian Society from the European Comparative Perspective. In: Baloban, J. (ed.) In Search of Identity: A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe. Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, pp. 45-83. (In Croatian and English) pdf EN
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2005) Extended Social Europe? Social Policy, Social Inclusion and Social Dialogue in Croatia and the European Union. In: Ott, K. (ed.) Croatian Accession to the European Union. Facing the Challenges of Negotiations. Zagreb. Institut za javne finacije, Zaklada Friedrich Ebert, pp. 157-180. (Croatian edition); pp. 161-184. (English edition)  pdf.engl
Zrinščak, S. (2005) Sociology and Dialogue. In: Through the Dialogue to the Peace. The Essays in Honour of prof. Željko Mardešić. Split: Franjevački institut za kulturu mira, pp. 36-47. (In Croatian)
Borowik, I., Marinović Jerolimov, D., Zrinščak, S. (2004) Religion and Patterns of Social Transformation – or: How to Interpret Religious Changes in Post-Communism? In: Marinović Jerolimov, D., Zrinščak, S., Borowik, I. (eds.) Religion and Patterns of Social Transformation. Zagreb: IDIZ, pp. 9-19.
Zrinščak, S. (2004) Values and Development. Some New Aspects of the Value Structure of Croatian Society. In: Kregar, J., Puljiz, V., Ravlić, S. (eds.) Croatia- How to Proceed: Tasks and the Possibilities. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Centar za demokraciju i pravo «Miko
Tripalo», pp. 225-245. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2003) Social Policy and Gender Equality. In: Rodin, S. (ed.) The Equality of Man and Woman. Law and Politics in EU and Croatia. Zagreb: IMO, pp. 77-98. (In Croatian)
Grubišić, I., Tadić, S., Zrinščak, S. (2001) Conformism and Resistance. In: Aračić, P. (ed.) “Jeremy, what do you see?” (Jr 24,3). Church in the Croatian Transitional Society. Đakovo: Teologija u Đakovu, pp. 225-246. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Developmental and Religious Dilemmas of Croatian Society. In: Grubišić, I., Zrinščak, S. (eds.) Religion and Integration. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, pp. 165-186. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1993) Church and State Relations in Croatia from 1945 to 1990. In: Grubišić, I. (ed.) Religion and Freedom. Religious Situation in Croatia from 1945 to 1990. Split: Institut za primijenjena društvena istraživanja – Centar Split, pp. 107-125. (In Croatian)

Scientific papers in  Web of Science indexed journals

Zrinščak, S. (2024) Guest editorial: social work in times of transformations: a perspective from Central and Eastern Europe. European Journal of Social Work, 27(1): 1-4.
Coutinho, J. P., Conway, B., Zrinščak, S. (2023) Editorial. Special issue – Highly religious young Catholics. Sociology Compass, 17(7): 1-4.
Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2022.). Religious freedom: thinking sociologically. Religion, State and Society, 50(3): 246-253.
Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2021.) Introduction. Religious Freedom: Between governance and social perception / Introduction. Liberté religieuse : entre gouvernance et perception sociale. Social Compass, 68(3) : 263-281.
Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2021.) Social perception of religious freedom: Testing the impact of secularism and state-religion relations. Social Compass, 68(3): 282-300.
Kallunki, V., Zrinščak, S. (2021.) Interdependence and competition between the religious and the secular: the welfare role of the Church in Croatia and Finland. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 36(1): 123-142.
Čepo, D. Čehulić, M., Zrinščak, S. (2020) What a Difference Does Time Make? Framing Media Discourse on Refugees and Migrants in Croatia in Two Periods. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava / Croatian and Comparative Public Administration 20(3):469-496
Mignardi, M., Zrinščak, S., Menti, D. (2020) Religious Freedom and Muslim Minorities: the Perspective of Places of Worship in Bologna. Religioni e Societá, XXXV, 97: 32-41 (in Italian)
Nikodem, K., Zrinščak, S. (2019) Between Distanced Church Religiosity and Intensive Personal Religiosity: Religious Changes in Croatian Society from 1999 to 2018. Društvena istraživanja 28(3):371-390 (in Croatian). Di145_01nikodem_zrinscak
Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2018) One pope, two churches: Refugees, human rights and religion in Croatia and Italy. Social Compass, 65(1):62-78.
Giordan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2018) Introduction. Religions and human rights. Social Compass, 65(1):3-10.
Zrinščak, S. & Lawrence, S. (2014) Editorial. Active ageing and demographic change: challenges for social work and social policy. European Journal of Social Work, 17(3):313-321. pdf
Dobrotić, I., Matković, T., Zrinščak, S. (2013) Gender Equality Policies and Practices in Croatia – The Interplay of Transition and Late Europeanization, Social Policy & Administration, 47(2):218-240. Dobrotic, Matkovic, Zrinscak Gender in SPA 2013
Dill, A.P., Zrinščak, S., Coury, J.M. (2012) Nonprofit Leadership Development in the Post-Socialist Context: The Case of Croatia. Administration in Social Work, 36(3):314-341. Dill Zrinscak Coury 2012
Zrinščak, S., Lakoš, I., Handy, F., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J.L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Meijs, L., Pessi, A.B., Ranade, B.,Smith, K.A., Yamauchi, N. (2012) Student Volunteering in Zagreb in a Comparative Context. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 19(1): 25-48. (In
Croatian) link  Pdf
Kang, C. Handy, F., Hustinx, L., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J., L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Meijs, L., Pessi, A., B., Ranade, B., Smith, K., Yamauchi, N., Zrinščak, S. (2011) What gives? Cross-national differences in students’ giving behavior. The Social Science Journal, 48(2): 283-294.  link SOCSCI872
Handy, F., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Meijs, L., Pessi, A., Ranade, B., Yamauchi, N., Zrinščak, S. (2010) A cross-cultural examination of student volunteering: Is it all about résumé building? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 39(3): 498-523.  link HANDY_cross_cultural_student_volunteering
Črpić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2010) Dynamism in Stability: Religiosity in Croatia in 1999 and 2008. Društvena istraživanja, 105-106 (1-2): 3-37. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2009) Croatian Social Policy: The Legacies of War, State-building and Late Europeanization. Social Policy & Administration, 43 (2): 121-135. link  pdf
Matković, T., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Inequality, Poverty and Material Deprivation in New and Old Members of the European Union. Croatian Medical Journal, 48: 636-652. link  pdf
Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Differences that Hurt: Self-perceived Health Inequalities in Croatia and the European Union. Croatian Medical Journal, 48: 653-666. link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2007) The Croatian Health Policy. In the Whirlpool of Reforms and Contemporary Social Challenges. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 14(2): 193-220. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Bežovan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2007) Is Civil Society in Croatia becoming a Force for Social Change? Revija za socijalnu politiku, 14(1): 1-27. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Marinović Jerolimov, D., Zrinščak, S. (2006) Religion Within and Beyond Borders: the Case of Croatia. Social Compass, 53(2): 279-290. link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2005) Religion, Civil Society, Social Problems. Društvena istraživanja, 75-76 (1-2): 71-96. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2004) Generations and Atheism: Patterns of Response to Communist Rule Among Different Generations and Countries. Social Compass, 51(2): 221-234. link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2002) Rôles, attentes et conflits: la religion et les Eglises dans les sociétés en transition. Social Compass, 49(4): 509-521. link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2001) There is a Secret Connection. Youth Religiosity as an Indicator of Social and Religious Changes. Društvena istraživanja, 51-52(1-2): 19-40. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (1998) Religion and Croatian Society. Društvena istraživanja, 35(3): 329-357. (In Croatian) link  pdf

Scientific papers in other international peer-reviewed journals

Zrinščak, S. (2022.). Religion and Politics: Challenges to the Social Scientific Study of Religion. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 15 (1): 5-19.
Martínez-Ariño, J. Zrinščak, S. (2022.). Religion and the natural and virtual environments: Introduction. Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, 6(1): 1-7.
Breskaya, O., Giordan. G., Zrinščak, S. (2020.). Freedom of Religion. A Social Scientific Approach. Introduction. Religioni e Società, XXXV(97): 15-19.
Breskaya, O., Giordan. G., Zrinščak, S. (2020.). Introduction. Religious Freedom: Social Scientific Approaches. Studi di Sociologia, 4: 1-5.
Zrinščak, S., Črpić G. (2017) Religion, Society and Politics. A Comparative Analysis of Thirteen Central, Eastern and Southern European Countries. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 2:165-175) -Revised version of the chapter in Croatian by Črpić and Zrinščak, 2014. Zrinščak & Črpić 2017 in Finnish Journal of Theology
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2015) Citizenship and Social Welfare in Croatia: Clientelism and the limits of ‘Europeanization’. European Politics and Society, 16(3):395-410.  Stubbs & Zrinscak, Citizenship and Social Welfare…in EPS, 3-2015
Ančić, B., Zrinščak, S. (2012) Religion in Central European Societies: Its Social Roles and People’s Expectations. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe 5(1):21-38. link  pdf
Cnaan, R. A., Pessi, A., B., Zrinščak, S., Handy, F., Brudney, J., L., Grönlund, H., Haski-Leventhal, D., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Chulhee, K., Kassam, M.,Meijs, L., Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N. (2012) Student Values, Religiosity, and Pro-Social Behaviour: A Cross-National Perspective. Diaconia: Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice (3)1: 2-25. link Diaconia_01_2012_Cnaan_et_al
Laiho, M., Pessi. A. B., Zrinščak, S. (2011) Welfare and Values in Europe: From Research to Practice of Social Cohesion. link Laiho, Pessi, Zrinscak, BAV journal 2011
Grönlund, H., Holmes, K. Kang, C. Cnaan, R.A., Handy, F., Brudney, J.L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Hustinx, L., Kassam, M., Meijs, L.C.P.M., Pessi, A.B., Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N., Zrinščak, S. (2011) Cultural Values and Volunteering: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Students’ Motivation to Volunteer in 13 Countries. Journal of Academic Ethics, 9(2):87-106. link
Haski-Leventhal, D., Grönlund, H., Holmes, K., L. C.P.M. Meijs, Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Brudney, J. L., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Kassam, M., Pessi, A. B.,Ranade, B., Smith, K. A., Yamauchi, N., Zrinščak, S. (2010) Service-learning: Findings from a 14-nation study. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 22(3):161-179. link Service learning paper 2010
Haski-Leventhal, D., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Brudney, J. L., Holmes, K., Hustinx, L., Kang, C., Kassam, M., Meijs, L. C. P. M., Ranade, B., Yamauchi, N., Yeung, A. B., Zrinščak, S. (2008) Students` Vocational Choices and Voluntary Action: A 12-Nation Study. Voluntas 19: 1-21. link Voluntas

Scientific papers in Croatian peer-reviewed journals

Landripet, I., Koletić, G., Jurković, L., Zrinščak, S., Štulhofer, A. (2020.) Construction and Evaluation of the Faith-Based Social Engagement Scale (VIDA) among Emerging Croatian Adults. Revija za sociologiju, 50 (3): 407-434. (in Croatian)
Rubil, I., Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2018) Child Poverty and Household Coping Strategies in Croatia: A Quantitative-Qualitative Study. Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 26(2):59-116 (in Croatian) PKiEP_141_Rubil_Stubbs_Zrinscak
Zrinščak, S. (2011) Do We Need Croatian Scientific Periodicals and What Kind? Sketch on the Topic of: The Place and Future of Scientific Periodicals in Croatia. Bogoslovska smotra, 81(1):167-178. (in Croatian) link  pdf
Bežovan, G., Ledić, J., Zrinščak, S. (2011) Civilno društvo u sveučilišnoj nastavi. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava, 11(1): 173-202. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Geiger, M., Puhovski. T., Zrinščak, S. (2009) Particular and Universal Women’s Experience – Gender Roles in the Bosniac and the Islamic Community in Sisak. Revija za sociologiju, 40(3-4):233-256 (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2008) What is Religion and What is Religion for: Sociological Approach. Bogoslovska smotra, LXXVIII(1): 25-37. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2005) Difficulties of Social Partnership: The European and Croatian Experiences. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 12(2): 175-188. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2003) Social Policy in the Context of Thorough Social Transformation of Post-Communist Countries. Revija za socijalnu politiku,10(2): 135-159. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Puljiz, V., Zrinščak, S. (2002) The Croatian Family Policy in the European Context. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 9(2): 117-137. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Bežovan, G., Zrinščak, S. (2001) Possibilities of Decentralisation in Social Policy and of the New Role of Local Authorities. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 8(3-4): 239-258. (In Croatian) link  pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2001) Social Development in a Value Trap. Bogoslovska smotra, LXXI(2-3): 291-318. (In Croatian) pdf
Zrinščak, S. (2000) The Scylla and Charibdis of Social Security. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 7(3-4): 229-243. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2000) The Challenges of Decentralization in the System of Health Services. Hrvatska javna uprava, 2:223-241. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S., Črpić, G., Kušar, S. (2000) Belief and Religiosity. Bogoslovska smotra, LXX(2): 233-255. (In Croatian) pdf
Baloban, S., Črpić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2000) Dignity of Man and Work . Bogoslovska smotra, LXX(2): 443-470. (In Croatian) pdf
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Health Policy Systems in the World: Basic Characteristics and Current Processes. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 6(1): 3-19. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1998) Church and State: European Context and Post-Communist Experience. Revija za sociologiju, 29(1-2): 15-26. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1997) Reform of the Pension System in Poland: Security Through Diversity, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 4(4): 391-399. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1995) Religion, Church and the Third Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2(4): 305-314. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1993) The Problems of Contemporary Social Development within the Viewpoint of the Catholic Church. Revija za sociologiju, 1-2:59-67. (In Croatian)

Scientific papers in other publications

Stubbs, S., Ledić, M., Rubil, I., Zrinščak, S. (2017) Child Poverty and Household Coping Strategies in Croatia. Zagreb: The Institute of Economic Zagreb and Adris Foundation. (in English and Croatian) Child poverty_ENG Djecje siromastvo_HR
Hoffmann, D., Miošić-Lisjak, N., Prkut, D., Stubbs, P., Šalaj, B., Zelić, D., Zrinščak, S. (2017) Croatia’s Captured Places. Research Report. Case Studies on the Quality on Local Governance in Croatia. Zagreb: GONG. (in English and Croatian) Croatia’s_captured_places_ research_report-2017 Nasa_zarobljena_mista_istraživačko_izvješće-2017
Dill, A., Zrinščak, S. (2016) Bio-citizens or (Yet Another) Third Way? How NGOs Negotiate State and Individual Responsibility for Health in Croatia. Anthropology of East Europe Review, 34(1):6-24. – Dill, Zrinšč AEER 2016 Previously published as: Dill, A., Zrinščak, S. (2014) Bio-citizens or Health Consumers? How CSOs Negotiate State and Individual Responsibility for Health in Croatia. Conference Working Paper Series, Vol. IX, ISTR – International Society for the Third Sector Research. pdf”>Dill_ISTR_2014_working_paper
Zrinščak, S. (2014) “Poverty and Living Standards”; “Health”. In: Everyday Life of Roma in Croatia: Challenges and Potentials for Transformation. Zagreb: UNDP / UNHCR / UNICEF, pp. 31-41, 65-74 (In Croatian and English)
Geiger, M., Zrinščak, S. (2012) Overview of the National Situation. In: A. Bäckström (coordinator) Welfare and Values in Europe. Transitions Related to Religion, Minorities and Gender. National Overviews and Case Study Reports. Volume 3. Eastern Europe: Latvia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, pp. 157-183. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. WAVE book Volume 3
Geiger, M., Zrinščak, S., Puhovski, T. (2012) Sisak Case Study Report. In: A. Bäckström (coordinator) Welfare and Values in Europe. Transitions Related to Religion, Minorities and Gender. National Overviews and Case Study Reports. Volume 3. Eastern Europe: Latvia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, pp. 184-221. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. WAVE book Volume 3
Zrinščak, S. (2008) Plea for Sociology of Religion. Conversation Draft. In: D. Đorđević (ed.) Role models and Friends. A Sketch for a Portrait of YU Sociologist of Religion. Beograd: Čigoja štampa, pp. 9-14. (In Croatian)
Bejaković, P., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S. (2007) The Social Dimension in Selected Candidate Countries in the Balkans: Country Report on Croatia. ENEPRI Research Report no.39. Balkandide. pdf
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2006) Key Challenges. In: Unplugged: Faces of Social Exclusion in Croatia. Human Development Report. Croatia 2006. Zagreb: UNDP, pp. 138-144. (In Croatian and English)
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Difficulties of Social Partnership: The European and Croatian Experiences. In: Baloban, S., Črpić, G. (eds.) The Social Consensus in Croatia. Zagreb: Centar za promicanje socijalnog nauka Crkve, Kršćanska sadašnjost, pp. 53-78. (Firstly published in Revija za socijalnu politiku no. 2/2005.) (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2005) Religion in Modern Europe: The Story of the Untold Story. In: Davie, G. Religion in Modern Europe. A Memory Mutates. Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, pp. 275-286. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2002) Social Future of Croatia. On Future from the Perspective of the Social Insecurities. In: Baloban, S. (ed.) Social Future of Croatia. Zagreb: Centar za promicanje socijalnog nauka Crkve, Glas koncila, pp. 17-57. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Criticism and Defetism in Croatian Society. Sociological View. In: Baloban, S. (ed.) Christian in Public Life. Zagreb: Centar za promicanje socijalnog nauka Crkve, pp. 65-82. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Social Policy of the Republic Croatia on the Eve of the Centuries. In: The Strategy of Care for the Old Persons in the Republic of Croatia. Zagreb: Vlada RH, pp. 227-238. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1997) Religion, Church and the Third Sector in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Grubišić, I. (ed.)Church and State in the Societies in Transition. Split: Hrvatska akademska udruga i IPDI-Centar Split, 1997., pp. 65-79. (firstly published in Revija za socijalnu politiku 4/95). (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1993) Sociology of Religion and Systematic Atheism. In: Contributions to Research on Non-religiosity and Atheism 2. Collections of Essays. Zagreb: IDIS, str. 57-69. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1991) Biblical Approach to the Issue of Atheism. In: Contributions to Research on Non-religiosity and Atheism 2.Collection of Essays. Zagreb: IDIS, pp. 71-88. (In Croatian)

Professional papers and other publications

Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2017a) European Social Policy Network. ESPN Thematic Report on Progress in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on “Investing in children. Croatia. 2017. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. HR_ESPN Thematic Report on Progress in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on “Investing in children_Croatia_2017
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2017b) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2017/36. New report on child poverty and household coping strategies in Croatia European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2017-36 – HR – New report on child poverty and household coping strategies in Croatia
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2017c) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2017/50. Policy vacuum in the face of a new wave of emigration from Croatia. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2017-50 – HR – Policy vacuum in the face of a new wave of emigration from Croatia
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2016a) European Social Policy Network. ESPN Thematic Report on work-life balance measures for persons of working age with dependent relatives. Croatia. 2016. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. HR_ESPN_Thematic Report on WLB-LTC_Croatia_2016
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2016b) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2016/30. Croatian Parliament rejects Ombudsperson for Children’s Report. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2016-30 – HR – Croatian Parliament rejects Ombudsperson for Children’s Report
Zrinščak S. (2016) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2016/31. Proposed changes to maternity and parental benefits in Croatia. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2016-31 – HR – Proposed changes to maternity and parental benefits in Croatia
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2015a) European Social Policy Network. ESPN Thematic Report on minimum income schemes. Croatia. 2015. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. HR_ESPN_Thematic Report on minimum income schemes_Croatia_2015
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2015b) European Social Policy Network. ESPN Thematic Report on Social Investment. Croatia. 2015. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. HR_ESPN_Thematic Report on Social Investment_Croatia_2015
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2015c) European Social Policy Network. ESPN Thematic Report on integrated support for long-term unemployed. Croatia. 2015. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. HR_ESPN_Thematic report on LTU_Croatia_2015
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2015d) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2015/8. Government’s “Fresh Start” Agreement for Indebted Citizens. European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2015-08 – HR – Government’s “Fresh Start” Agreement for Indebted Citizens
Zrinščak, S. (2015) Croatia. In: Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practice, 2. edition, vol. II. Farmington Hills, Mich; San Francisco; New York; Waterville, Maine Meriden, Conn; Mason, Ohio; Chicago: Gale, pp. 387-394. Croatia_Vol 2_pg 387 to 394
Stubbs, P., Zrinščak S. (2014b) European Social Policy Network. ESPN – Flash Report. 2014/1. Law on Social Welfare (1 January 2014) introduces new Guaranteed Minimum Social Assistance Benefit (zajamčena minimalna naknada). European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. ESPN – Flash Report 2014-01 – HR – Law on Social Welfare (1 January 2014) introduces new Guaranteed Minimum Social Assistance Benefit (zajamčena..
Zrinščak, S. (2013) Equal Pay Days. Comments Paper – Croatia. European Commission. Justice. Croatia Equal Pay Days Comments Paper 2013
Zrinščak, S. (2011) Reducing the Gender Pay Gap. Comments Paper – Croatia. European Commission. Justice.  Croatia Gender Pay Gap Report 2011
Zrinščak, S. (2011.) The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies. National Report Croatia, EGGSI Network. Croatia Crisis + Gender Report 2011   EU Crisis + Gender Report 2012
Zrinščak, S. (2011.) The Socio-Economic Impact of Pension Systems on the Respective Situations of Women and Men and the Effects of Recent Trend sin Pension Reforms. National Report Croatia, EGGSI Network. Croatia Pension + Gender Report 2011  EU Pension + Gender Report 2011
Zrinščak, S. (2010.) Active Ageing and Gender Equality Policies: The Employment and Social Inclusion of Women and Men of Late Working and Early Retirement Age. National Report Croatia, EGGSI Network. Croatia Active Ageing + Gender Report 2010  EU Active Ageing + Gender Report 2010
Zrinščak, S. (2010.) Violence Against Women and the Role of Gender Equality. Social Inclusion and Heath Strategies. National Report Croatia, EGGSI Network. Croatia Violence + Gender Report 2010  EU Violence + Gender Report 2010
Zrinščak, S. (2009) On Religion and War from the Sociological Perspective. In: E. Pace, Why Religions Enter in War. Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, pp. 151-154. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2009) Transition. In: Croatian Encyclopedia 11. Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, pp. 18. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2008) The Editorial – Vlado Puljiz and the Croatian Social Policy. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 15(3): 307-322. (In English and Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2008) Social Security. In: Croatian Encyclopedia 10. Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, pp. 79. (In Croatian)
Geiger, M., Zrinščak, S., Puhovski, T. (2007/2008) Welfare and Values. Report on Research Project done in Sisak. Bošnjačka pismohrana, 23-26:71-79.
Matković, T., Zrinščak, S. (2006) Coverage and Expenditure of the Croatian Health System. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 13(1): 115-123. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Secularisation. In: Croatian Encyclopedia 9. Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, pp. 670. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2006) Caritas (Catholic) (pp. 112-113); Catholic Social Services (pp. 114-115); Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 115-120); Christianity (pp. 154-155); Croatia (pp. 245-247); Eastern Europe (pp. 358-359); European Social Charter (pp. 432-434); Pius XI (pp. 1131-1134); Subsidiarity (pp. 1366-1369). In: Fitzpatrick, T. et all. International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy Routledge.
Dobbelaere, K., Marinović Jerolimov, D., Zrinščak, S. (2005) XXVIIIth ISSR Conference.
Religion and Society: Challenging Boundaries. Handbook / XXVIIIème SISR Conférence. Religion et Société: Les frontières en question. Manuel. Zagreb: Croatian Sociological Association / Société sociologiques croate.
Kuhar, S., Zrinščak, S. (2003) The Health Care and Non-Governmental Organisations Cooperation. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 10(1): 129-133. (In Croatian)
Puljiz, V., Bežovan, G., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S., Žganec, N., Balaband, A. (2003) Decentralisation of Social Services Model Outline. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 10(1): 69-83. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2002) Authorities of the Centers for Social Welfare in Croatia. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 9(3-4): 383-392. (In Croatian)
Bouillet, D., Bračić-Ružić, G., Zrinščak, S. (2002) Some of the Aspects of Family Protection in the Republic of Croatia in European Context. Zagreb: Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži. (In Croatian)
Bošnjak, V., Mimica, J., Puljiz, V., Radočaj, T., Stubbs, P., Zrinščak, S. (2002) Elements of the Social Policy and Health Care in Croatia. UNICEF. Zagreb: UNICEF Ured za Hrvatsku. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2002) Social and Family Policy in Countries in Transition. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 9(1): 107-115. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2001) The Evidence of the Pension Insurance System in Croatia. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 8(3-4): 361-367. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (2000) Social Policy in the Programmes of Political Parties and in the Working Programme of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the Period of 2000-2004. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 7(1): 63-77. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1999) Social Policy in the Action Plan for European Integration of the Republic of Croatia. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 6(3-4): 291-298. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S (1994) Church and Zagreb: Back to Togetherness, Kolo,1-2: 46-60. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1990) Theology and Society. Kulturni radnik, 4: 131-143. (In Croatian)
Zrinščak, S. (1990.) An Attempt At Theological Elaboration of the Issue of Liberation in the Contemporary World. Kulturni radnik, 3: 65-76. (In Croatian)