Short CV:
Siniša Zrinščak obtained his doctoral degree in sociology of religion and is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law. His main scientific interests include religious and social policy changes in post-communism, Church-State relations, European and comparative social policy, and gender.  He served as President (2006-2014) and Vice-President (2001-2006) of the ISORECEA (International Study of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe Association), Vice-President of the International Sociological Association RC 22 (2006-2014) President (2005-2007) and Vice-President (2007-2009, 2013-2014) of the Croatian Sociological Association, Editor-in-chief of the Croatian Journal of Social Policy (2002-2009), General Secretary of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (2013-2017), coordinator of the ESA RN34 on Sociology of Religion (2019-2021), etc. He has been involved in several mainly international scientific projects and has numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and books.

Current Position:
Head, Chair of Sociology
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Trg R. Hrvatske 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. (work): + 385 1 4597 536
Fax. (work) + 385 1 4597 521

Educational background:     
1984, BA in Sociology, University of Zagreb
1990, MA in Sociology, University of Zagreb
1998, PhD in Sociology, University of Zagreb

Other current activities and positions:
Head, Publishing Department, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, 2019 –
Member, Publishing Committee, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Croatia, 2021 –
Director, EMA – The European Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation, 2021 –
Member, Academic Board, PhD Course in Religion, Culture, and Public Life, University of Padua, 2024 –
Member, Advisory Board, ESA RN34 (European Sociological Association Research Network 34 – Sociology of Religion), 2021-
Associate Editor, European Journal of Social Work, 2015 – 
National correspondent, EUREL – Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe and beyond, 2013 –
Member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals: Journal of Religion in Europe, Annual Review for the Sociology of Religion, Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, Social Sciences Forum (Forum Nauk Spolecznych), Sarajevo Social Sceince Review, Croatian Journal of Social Policy, Bogoslovska smotra, Nova prisutnost

Current scientific projects:
European Values Study, member of the Croatian research team, financed by the University of Zagreb and the Adris Foundation, 2016-
COST Action CA 20107 – Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet), member of the Management Committee and STMS Committee, 2021-2025
Religious Institutions and Values in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia, member of the research team, financed by the Clemson University, 2023-

American Sociological Association (ASA), Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR), Croatian Sociological Association (HSD / CSA), European Sociological Association (ESA), European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet), International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR), International Sociological Association (ISA), International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central European Association (ISORECEA), Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)

Croatian journals:
Anali Hrvatskoga politološkog društva, Bogoslovska smotra, Croatian Medical Journal, Croatian Economic Survey, Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, Crkva u svijetu, Diacovensia, Društvena istraživanja, Ljetopis socijalnog rada, Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, Nova prisutnost, Politička misao, Public Sector Econimics, Revija za sociologiju, Revija za socijalnu politiku, Socijalna ekologija, Sociologija i prostor, Zagrebačka pravna revija, Zbornik Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

International journals:
Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne Des Slavistes, Czech Sociological Review, European Journal of Social Work, European Sociological Review, Global Social Welfare, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, Journal of Sociology of Education, Irish Journal of Sociology, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Journal of Civil Society, Journal of Church and State,  Journal of Religion in Europe, Journal of Social Work, Journal of Sociology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, New Diversities, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Politics and Governance, Politics and Religion, Politics, Religion & Ideology, Religione e Società, Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, Religio: Revue pro Religionistiku, Religions, Review of Religious Research, Romanian Sociology, Social Compass, Social Forces, Sociology of Religion, Studies in Religion, Studies of Transition States and Societies

Other – Publishers, Projects, Institutions, Programmes:
Amsterdam University Press, Brill, Croatian Science Foundation, European Science Foundation, Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, National Science Centre Poland, NORFACE Research Programme, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Routledge, Sage, University of Primorska – Slovenia

Past activities and positions:
President, Scientific Committee on Political Science, Sociology, Demography, Social Work and Social Policy, and Security and Defense Sciences, Croatian Agency for Science and Education, 2021-2024 
Member, Scientific Committee, EU Agency For Fundamental Rights (FRA), 2018-2023
Member, Editorial Board, Social Compass, 2013-2023
Teacher, member of the Academic Board, and Programme Coordinator on behalf of the Faculty of Law – Joint PhD Programme: Human Rights, Society, and Multi-Level Governments, by the University of Padua (coordinator), Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, Western Sidney University, and Nicosia University, 2015 -2023
President (2015-2021), Member (2012-2014, 2004-2010), Publishing Committee, Ministry of Science and Education
Coordinator (2019-2021), Vice-coordinator (2017-2019), Member of the Board (2015-2017), ESA RN34 (European Sociological Association Research Network 34 – Sociology of Religion)
Member, European Social Policy Network (2014-2018)
General Secretary (2013-2017), International Society for the Sociology of Religion
Head (2011-2017), Vice-Head (2017-2021), Protestant Theological Study, University of Zagreb
Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of Social Work, 2009-2015
President (2006-2014), Vice-President (2001-2006), Member of the Board (1995-2001), ISORECEA (International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association)
Vice-President, International Sociological Association Research Committee 22 (2006-2014)
Vice-President (2013-2014, 2007-2009), Member of the Presidency (2014-2015, 2011-2013, 2001-2005) President (2005-2007), Croatian Sociological Association
Vice-President (2001-2014), CERANEO – Centre for Development of Non-Profit Sector, Croatia
Member (2013-2015), High Standing Committee for Social Sciences, Croatian Science Foundation
Vice-President (2012-2016), Committee for the State Scientific Awards in Social Sciences, Parliament of the Republic of Croatia / Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport of the Republic of Croatia
Permanent guest lecture (1997-2013), MA Comparative European Social Studies – MACESS (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Council member (2011-2013) International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR-SISR)
Head (2011-2013), Social Policy Chair, Department for Social Work, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Member (2010-2011) European Network of Experts in Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, Health Care, and Long-Term Care (EGGSI)
Member, EUNIESI (2013), EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion
Head (2007-2011) Department for Social Work, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Member (2009-2014), Editorial Board, European Journal of Mental Health
Member (2006-2011), Governing Board, Catholic Charity of the Zagreb Archbishopric
Programme Coordinator – RC22 (2008-2010), XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Member, (2007, 2010), International Evaluation Committee, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
Member (2004-2010), Committee for Publications, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Head (2005-2007), Member (2002-2003),  Evaluation Committee for Scientific Projects in the Field of Political Sciences, Sociology, Social Geography, Social Work and Social Policy, and Defence Sciences, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Member (2007-2009), Scientific Committee, 1st ENSACT 2009 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Member (2007-2009), Editorial Policy Committee, Council of Science Editors
Member (2005-2009), Croatian team on Joint Inclusion Memorandum, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
President (2005-2007), Governing Board, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
President (2003-2005), Local Committee, 28th International Society for the Sociology of Religion Conference, Zagreb
Member (2006), International Evaluation Committee, NORFACE Research Programme
Consultant Editor (2001-2006), International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy, Routledge 2006.
Editor-in-Chief (2002-2009), Vice- Editor (2001), Croatian Journal of Social Policy
Editor-in-Chief (1992-1994), journal Društvena istraživanja (Social Research)
Editor-in-Chief (1988-1990), journal Kulturni radnik (Cultural Work)

Past scientific projects:
Sociology and Law Education, head of the research team, financed by the University of Zagreb, 2022-2023
Student’s Values in a Comparative Perspective, head of the research team, financed by the University of Zagreb, 2020-2021
COST Action IS1409: Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in Western countries, member of the Managing Committee and head of the Dissemination Committee, 2015-2019 Social Elites and Refugees in Croatia, head of the research team, financed by the University of Zagreb, 2016-2018
Understanding and Challenging Local State Capture in Croatia, member of the research team, financed by the Open Society Institute (2015-2017)
Poverty of Children and Coping Strategies of Households in Croatia, member of the research team, financed by the Adris Foundation (2015-2017)
Churches in the European Society, member of the team and principal researcher for Croatia, financed by the University of Helsinki (2013-2014)
Workshop Series: Welfare states and the impact of religion: Explorations into the place of Faith Based Organisations in Civil Society in a Europe in Turmoil, financed by the University of Uppsala (2014)
Indicators of Social Cohesion and Development of the Croatian Social Model, Head of the research team, financed by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport of the Republic of Croatia (2007-2014)
EVS – European Value Survey, Croatian scientific team, member, financed by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport of the Republic of Croatia (2007-2014)
Transition from Education to Work, Head of the research team, financed by the University of Zagreb, 2012.
WAVE – Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to religion, minorities, and gender (2006-2009) financed by the EU FP6, Principal researcher for Croatia
REVACERN – Religion and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network, (2007-2009) financed by the EU FP 6, Member of the Croatian team
CIVICUS – Civil Society Index, Comparative International Project (2008-2010), Croatian scientific team, member
Religion and Churches in an Enlarged Europe. A study of the social significance of religion in East and West (2005-2008), International Comparative Research Project financed by the  Wolskwagen Foundation, Principal researcher for Croatia
Youth in Europe. An International Empirical Study about Life Perspectives (2001.-2005.), International Comparative Research Project, University of Würzburg, Member of the Croatian team
Social Security System in South East Europe 2004-2005, ILO project, member of the Croatian team
EVS – European Value Survey 1999 (1999-2004), Croatian scientific team, member, financed by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport of  the Republic of Croatia
Reforming Social Protection Systems in Europe (2002-2004), COST (EU) project, member
Reform of the Social Security System in Croatia (2002-2004), Ministry of Work and Welfare Croatia, The World Bank, UK DFID, member of the team – local consultant
Reform of the Social Security Systems in Croatia (2001-2006), Member of the research team, financed by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport of the Republic of Croatia
Decentralisation of Social Policy in Croatia (1999-2001), Croatian Law Centre, Member of the team
Research and consultancy in the field of gender equality and social inclusion – various reports in the field of gender equality and social inclusion for different institutions